Posts Tagged ‘social media’


Diary of an Unemployed Triathlete

January 8, 2009

FYI: This blog has moved to a new address. Catch up on new posts at:



.. well, maybe unemployed public relations guy is more accurate, but whatever. That isn’t the point. If you were paying attention to my twitter feed this morning, you probably already know, but shit hit the fan this morning and I got laid off.  What sucks most is that it was a job that I was pretty good at and I actually liked. The economy sucks, money just wasn’t coming like it used to and despite my best efforts to be indespensible, I got the axe.

And I now that this is two non-triathlon related blog posts in one week, but too bad!

I decided that I can wallow in self pity, be embarrassed, only tell the people that I can’t hide it from, cross my fingers fingers and hope for the best, or hold my head up high and actually try to get something productive out of all my activity in different networks like this blog, twitter, triscoop, etc. So if you know anyone in the Boston area that is hiring for any marketing/public relations/social media position, send ’em my way. 🙂

I am pretty sick at what I do. And at this point, especially with so many other people fighting for only a few jobs, I’m pretty damn flexible. Maybe I’ll even find something fitness-related to make my personal passions into a career. Who knows?!

So you may be seeing a lot more frequent blog posts from me, and a lot more training. I’ve got some new time on my hands.

Now back to your regularly scheduled triathlon posts…